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Upgrade Policy: Upgrade Now

Registered users of Versions 8 and above of this software are eligible to purchase the upgrade.

Anyone purchasing an earlier version of this software within 90 days of the newest version being released can contact us for a free upgrade.

What's New with Version 9.0:

  • MacOS Support
    • Added support for macOS Sonoma (14.x).  Note: If you are running a Mac with the M1 to M3 processor, you need to have Rosetta 2 installed.
  • Software Settings
    • Added the ability to set the size of the software’s toolbar icons (small, medium or large) for better viewing.
  • Advanced Software Settings
    • Improved settings import process to work with settings from an older version of the software or from an alternate settings file for that version. Also an easy way to synchronize two computers to use the same settings.
  • General
    • Increased the size of some icons for better viewing.
    • Fixed issue where some screens would sometimes hide behind other screens.
    • Added a warning if trying to use a Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. folder for data files, images, and reports.
    • Updated the software to run on a newer version of Python.
    • Updated the software to use the latest version of the user interface framework.
    • All popup screens will remember their position.
    • Made other improvements to match those integrated into GrandPrix Race Manager Version 23.
    • Several other less notable improvements and fixes were implemented.

Version 8.0 Changes