Questions on the web interface to GrandPrix Race Manager.
Can we livestream using DerbyWeb?
No. DerbyWeb is a tool to for your race crew and audience to see select race data using mobile devices. DerbyWeb has no livestream capability.
How do I install DerbyWeb?
Note: These instructions are out of the INSTALL.txt file that is included when you install DerbyWeb. You should refer to that file for the latest installation instructions.
+ GrandPrix Race Manager Version 15.0.901.12 (Pro Version Only) or greater
+ Web server supporting PHP 5.4 or greater
+ Wireless Router
1. Install a Web Server - If you are not familiar with setting up a web server, we highly recommend using AMPPS. AMPPS is an easy to install software stack of Apache, Mysql, PHP, Perl, Python and Softaculous auto-installer. You can download AMPPS at http://www.ampps.com/.
Note 1: It is recommended that you do NOT install your webserver under "Program Files" or "Program Files(x86)", as this may cause permissions issues writing data to the race data file. You may want to simply install to your drive root (e.g. C:\).
Note 2: The web server needs to be running the correct version of PHP (see Requirements above). With AMPPS, you can go to the PHP section of the console and select "Change PHP Version", if needed. Then restart Apache for the change to take effect.
2. Install DerbyWeb - Install the "derby" folder of the application to the "www" folder for the web server. If using AMPPS, that will be at "Ampps\www".
3. Edit Apache http.conf file - Open up the Apache configuration file, http.conf, with a simple text editor like Notepad. If using AMPPS, that will be at "Ampps\apache\conf\http.conf". Add the following entries to the "<IfModule alias_module>" section and then save the changes. Adjust these file paths as needed.
Alias /derby "C:/Ampps/www/derby/frontend/web"
Alias /derbyadmin "C:/Ampps/www/derby/backend/web"
Alias /images-derby "C:/Ampps/www/derby/images"
4. Configure DerbyWeb
a. Create a Sqlite data file with GrandPrix Race Manager and locate it in the "derby\common\data" folder.
b. Edit the "derby\common\config\main-local.php" file using a simple text editor. Update the 'dsn' line to reflect the name and location of your data file (e.g. 'dsn' => 'sqlite:' $wwwpath . '\derby\common\data\mydatafile.sqlite',). The software defaults to the sample.sqlite data file, provided along with the software, if you first want to browse the app with some sample data.
1. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to setup the router.
2. We do recommend enabling the wireless security on the router so not just anyone can access your wireless network.
3. It is probably best to make the network ID rather obvious and not make the wireless password overly complicated (e.g. Network=PinewoodDerby and Password=pinewood).
To give users access to the DerbyWeb app, you will need to determine your race computer's IP address.
1. Directly connect the router to the race computer and make sure it is powered up. Plug the ethernet cable into one of the numbered ports on the router, not the Internet port.
2. Turn off the computer's WiFi.
3. In the Window's search box, type "cmd", without the quotes, and press the Enter key.
4. Enter "ipconfig", without the quotes, and press the Enter key.
5. Look for the IPv4 address under the Ethernet Adapter section. That is the IP address that your users will need to use in order to access the DerbyWeb app.
Note: You may want to setup your race computer with a static IP address, otherwise, it could change the next time you go to use your computer with the router. See http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19249/how-to-assign-a-static-ip-address-in-xp-vista-or-windows-7/.
1. Connect a wireless router directly to the Ethernet port of your race computer.
1. Start AMPPS to start the Apache web server.
2. You can shut down the MySQL database server, if you wish, as it will not be used. You just need to have Apache running.
Note 1: Before anyone else uses DerbyWeb, the administrator should login and setup the race crew user accounts as needed.
Note 2: Many of the app settings are controlled directly by GrandPrix Race Manager, so you should open up the Sqlite data file you are using with GrandPrix Race Manager and make sure that all settings are as desired. These settings will then be saved to the Sqlite data file for DerbyWeb to access.
1. From the race computer, open a web browser and go to http://localhost/derbyadmin
2. Login to the admin app. For the default admin, refer to the INSTALL.txt file that comes with DerbyWeb.
3. It is highly recommended that you change the admin password by going to the Users page and editing the "admin" user.
4. Several user accounts have already been created for the race crew. The administrator can manage those accounts as needed and set the passwords for them.
5. Instructions for using the admin app are available using the Help link at the top of the site.
1. Open a web browser on their smart phone or tablet computer and go to http://<YourIPAddress>/derbyadmin (e.g.
2. Login to the admin app using the username and password provided by the administrator.
3. Race crew will only be able to access the features based on the access role that the administrator gave their user account.
3. Instructions for using the admin app are available using the Help link at the top of the site.
1. You should provide instructions for your race attendees to connect to your WiFi network and the following steps for access to the app. A sample flier is provided, in the app's root folder, that you can edit and use.
2. Open a web browser with a smart phone or tablet computer and go to http://<YourIPAddress>/derby (e.g.
3. Click on the "Signup" button on the Login page to create an account. Once the account is created, the user will be automatically logged into the app.
4. Instructions for using the app are available using the Help link at the top of the site.
1. Users are unable to connect to your WiFi network:
- Check that your wireless router is connected to your computer and is powered up. The computer should be connected to one of the numbered ports on the router, not the Internet port.
- Verify your router login (Network ID and Password) is correct.
- Some routers have a mode to only allow authorized devices to connect. This feature should be disabled, unless you wish to manually setup the router for each allowed device.
- Try cycling the power on the router.
2. Users can connect to the WiFi network but cannot access the DerbyWeb app:
- Check that the web server is running. If using AMPPS, the console should be still running.
- Check the IP address for your race computer (See the "Determine IP Address" section above). That should match what your users are using to access the app.
- Try restarting the web server. If using AMPPS, from the console, stop the Apache service, wait until the console indicates that it is stopped, and then start it back up.
3. Changes in GrandPrix Race Manager do not reflect in DerbyWeb.
- With GrandPrix Race Manager, make sure to open the data file that DerbyWeb is using. Both apps must be using the same data file.
4. DerbyWeb becomes unresponsive.
- Restart Apache.
5. Errors:
- Check that you are running the correct PHP Version (see the Requirement section above).
- If you are running the correct PHP version then report any error using our Bug Report form.
Note: We are not responsible for any changes that you make to the app, so do them at your own risk and make a backup before starting.
1. CSS Styles - If you are familiar with CSS, you can edit the look of the app to better suit your tastes. The CSS files are located at:
Admin App - www\derby\backend\web\css\site.css
Spectator App - www\derby\frontend\web\css\site.css
2. Refer to the LICENSE.txt file for other authorized customizations to DerbyWeb.