Can I use a different image on the reports?
Yes. In the Reports Settings screen, you can select another image or logo to be displayed.
Your new images do need to be close to the same dimensions as the default image, otherwise they may look out of proportion.
How do I print reports?
When you go to view a report, the software will ask you to give the report a file name. Once you do that, the software will create the report as a PDF file and then open it in a PDF viewer. So, to print the report, use the print functionality of the PDF viewer. Some viewers make it easy to find the Print button, but with others you do have to dig around to find where it is.
Can the reports be posted on the web?
Yes. Reports are created as a PDF file. These can easily be posted on the web. You can also export many of the reports to CSV file and then use that data to create your own reports.
Note: There is an increasing concern about posting full names of children on the web. In the Reports Settings screen you can opt to display only the racer's first name and last initial.